Friday, March 26, 2010

The Fat Burning Furnace Review- Shed off Unwanted Fat

This is my 2nd choice... The Fat Burning Furnace System is not really a abs program, although it does cover abs. Its more of a full fat burning program but well worth a mention.

I actually found Fat Burning Furnace to be quite refreshing. From its creative website interface to its product claims and pitches, I thought they marketed this product really well. The product itself lived up to my expectations. With just short but intense workouts 2 to 3 times a week, you get more than what your body needs to blast fat and sculpt your body into tiptop shape. You also greatly increase your metabolism.

The primary Fat Burning Furnace product is a 128-page guide that’s packed with insider fitness and nutrition secrets. It may seem daunting at first, but with its well-written content, extensive weight training and nutrition information, easy-to-understand lingo, and detailed pictures of every exercise, you’ll soon find yourself adapting easily to the tone and pace of the guide.

In addition to the main guide, you also get to enjoy various bonus features that will reinforce and add onto what you’ve learned.

The Score for this one:

Price - 4/5 Stars
Quality - 4/5 Stars
Effectiveness - 4/5 Stars
Ease of Use - 3/5
Support - 3/5

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